A Haiku Each Day

Sixty-two hundred and five Syllables a year.

Archive for Birds

Spring Song

Ersatz harbingers
Starlings imitate robins
Over city streets.


Rainy winter day
Geese stand like statues of geese
On the sodden lawn.


The first flakes of snow
Stitched on a gray quilt of sky
Gulls soar silently.


Peregrine falcon
Perched on a skyscraper ledge
Dusk falls down the streets.

Recycling Day

Ice on the sidewalks
A discarded Christmas tree
Shelters the sparrows.


Early Christmas treats
Red finches pluck the berries
From a holly wreath.


Flat silver river
Smooth as an unstruck nickel
Two gray geese descend.


Evening ritual
Egrets follow the cattle
Down to the river.


Ripe nightshade berries
Robins stain their yellow bills
With bright crimson juice.

After Sei Shonagan

Cloudless, cold morning
Crows in threes and fours and twos
Crack the crystal sky.