A Haiku Each Day

Sixty-two hundred and five Syllables a year.

Archive for sun

12th Street

An old trolley track
Slices the street with silver
Sunlight after rain.

Spring Morning

Watercolor sky
Awaits the painter’s last touch
Just before sunrise.


Sunlight on tulips
Red with orange and yellow hearts
Chalices of fire.


Ancient tree’s relic
Frozen sunlight, captive fire,
Brighter than diamond.


Sunset-cast shadows
Point long fingers to the east
Implicating night.

Ball Game

Orange basketball
Sinks past the hoop’s horizon
Like a setting sun.

Cold Morning III

Bright winter morning
The year’s coldest day so far
Breath casts a shadow.


A beam through the clouds
Skidding across the sidewalk
Sunlight on thin ice.

Morning Sun

Cold winter morning
The sunny side of the roof
Tiled with pigeons.