A Haiku Each Day

Sixty-two hundred and five Syllables a year.

Archive for March, 2012

“About the woodland I will go”

Fallen cherry blooms
Swirled about by the March wind
Drifting like pink snow.

Out of Season III

Frostbitten tulips
Translucent as isinglass
Early spring cold snap.

Adorned II

Peridot necklace
Bright green maple samaras
Strung on slender twigs.

Vie en Rose

Fallen cherry blooms
Backlit by the rising sun
Glow on the sidewalk.

Sobriety Date II

Sober for five years
I have got my marbles back…
Now to play with them.

Based on the old AA saying, “It takes five years to get back your marbles, and ten years to learn to play with them again.”


A blur of bright wings
Whirring over a rose hedge
Spring’s first ladybug.

Rite of Spring

Two white butterflies
Meeting over the meadow
Whirl into a dance.


A pair of green eyes
Glimmers between lace curtains
Cat in a window.


Foggy spring morning
Seagulls embroidered in white
On the quilted clouds.

Sign Seeker

Each spring mistaking
The same round-headed red nail
For a ladybug.